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Director's Statement of Compliance with Duty to Promote the Success of the Group
The board of directors of T I A (GB) Limited consider that they have fulfilled their individual and collective duty under section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006 to act in the way they believe, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the company for the benefit of shareholders as a whole and in doing so, have regard to a number of broader matters which are set out below;
The overall aim of the Group is to develop a long-term, sustainable business that delivers value for all its stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, and the broader community as a whole. By responsibly managing the business, the directors intend to continue to deliver a financially stable organisation for all stakeholders.
The TIA Group is owned by its management team, and employees are regularly consulted and involved in helping decide and shape how the business will develop in the future. This is aimed at delivering employee satisfaction and ensuring that staff retention is high.
Customer relationships are the key to our business and our customers have at least one level of communication within the business, with the directors also having key relationships with many key customers.
Our business uses local and international suppliers; the directors fully acknowledge a duty to trade responsibly. The Company has internal policies and procedures to ensure that this is adhered to and holds itself to a high level of conduct.
The Group is always looking at ways to improve its Environmental impact or ‘Footprint’ and will continue to strive to improve this in the future; this includes a “Less Paper” approach and minimising the overall environmental impact.
In addition, the Group look to make a social contribution through charity support and fundraising within the local community and nationally in the UK.